среда, 1 января 2020 г.


Segoe UI Windows Vista and later. Pre-allocate disk space when writing file output stream. New options for batch file error handling: Start external application keyboard shortcuts with zero. New context menu options to manually assign a sync-direction. Warning if Recycle Bin is not available instead of deleting silently Windows. Avoid issues applying file modification time on certain NAS. freefilesync 5.11

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Full log information after comparison including file transfer. DownLoad Far Manager 3. Unified error handling on failure to create log directory.

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Allow inserting new folder pairs into feefilesync middle of the list. It looks like an ad blocker has blocked all the ads. Added "remaining files" as sync-progress information. Fixed command line issues: Skip binary comparison for files excluded via time span or size.

Navigate between sync settings panels with arrow keys. Buffer S FTP sessions based on all login information. Fixed FTP parsing error for epoch time on Windows server. Added database file consistency checks to catch unexpected number of stream associations. Close old directory handle first before executing directory traversal fallback.

New: FreeFileSync Portable 5.11 Rev 2 (synchronize files and folders) Released

Fixed config dialog graphics glitch with large font sizes. Exchanged batch files with shell links for full Unicode support Windows-only.

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Fixed path alias check to not rely on volume serial number. New view filter button "show excluded items".

Avoid switching monitor when main dialog is maximized on multiple monitor systems. Fixed crash on exit when accessing already destructed constant.

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Don't use threads for running async command line Linux. Fixed directory icon loading resource leak Linux. Fixed crash on failed CRT parameter validation Windows. Always show "items processed" in log file. Automatically resolve objects deleted externally after comparison.

Fixed runtime error when multiple folder pairs are used. Fixed deletion dialog header ffreefilesync trimmed Linux. Rapid virus database updates are available for the lifetime of the Optimized sequence of steps when saving database files.

New: FreeFileSync Portable Rev 2 (synchronize files and folders) Released |

Default to standard main dialog size after unmaximize Linux. New options handling Symlinks: Full support for "retry" while comparing. Fixed minor issue with trailing path separator when creating batch jobs.

New context menu options to copy and paste filter settings. FreeFileSync helps you synchronize files and synchronize folders. Fixed progress graph glitch caused by unsteady system clock.

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Avoid issues applying file modification time on certain NAS. New "Actions" menu bar entry with basic operations.

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